we love creativity

Posted by admin on Apr 20, 2011 in Design, theBlog | No Comments

Another great site for the creative junkie

In 2008 Brooks Sterling noticed a large number of talented artists in San Diego that needed a place to exhibit and promote their work. He also noticed a large number of nightlife venues looking for different types of events to hold.

After several brainstorming sessions, trips to Starbucks, and late nights, he decided to put the two together and ended up throwing “art parties.” A handful of artists would exhibit their work and the venues would provide him with everything else needed for the attendees to have a good time. It was a win-win situation for everyone. Brooks figured that a name would make it more official and We Love Creativity was born.

In early 2010 Brooks teamed up with web guru Blaine Robison to help build the WLC online community. WLC now has a blog, storefront, hidden links, and a bunch of other nonsense that makes us feel important.

Overtime, WLC’s original concept has slowly evolved and been refined to make it what it is today. We’ve added more shows, artists, and our own line of Limited Edition Prints (LEP‘s) that we collaborate with different artists on. We are still not sure what WLC will evolve into next, but since we’re enjoying ourselves, we try not to worry about it.

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